Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Don Imus, the Not So Merry Christmas and the Law of Insults

Don Imus, a white American male radio sport show host called the mostly African American women of the Rutgers women’s basketball team nappy headed Merry Christmases. Read about it at Networks Condemn Remarks By Imus.

For the uninitiated, a Merry Christmas is what we in my almost all black neighborhood often said in lieu of the word ‘ho (whore). We took the use of profane insults pretty seriously, so there were rules to govern their use. One rule was that substitutes and euphemisms were often used in place of the worst of the words in our arsenal, words like ‘ho. To call someone a ‘ho was a pretty brutal, low down insult, suggesting an unbridled, wholly undiscriminating sexuality. For us, a ‘ho was the kind of girl who “did it” with just about anyone, anytime without even the pragmatic, instrumental approach of a prostitute. Part of the power of ‘ho was that it was a distinctly gendered insult; we had no equivalent term for boys who behaved the same way. (Nowadays there is “man ‘ho” but it doesn’t come close to having the same sting.) No, back in the day, we didn’t throw around the word ‘ho—that was playing with dynamite. Before you openly called anybody a ‘ho, you’d better be pretty sure you could beat up the so-labeled girl and her defenders, because to call someone a ‘ho was a prelude to a fight. If the word we sought was ‘ho, (and we usually resorted to much less serious name calling before we got to that) better to say “Merry Christmas” in sotto voce snickers when the girl walked into the room and leave it at that. Such was the law of insults in our neighborhood.

Don Imus is a law breaker. On open microphone he called members of the Rutgers women’s basketball team “nappy-headed ‘hos”. Moreover, the racial and gender insult wasn’t just random; there was apparently a theme running through the show. Imus’s comment immediately followed the comment of his executive producer Bernard McGuirk, who called the women “hard core ‘ho’s”. Later in the show, which was simulcast via CBS radio and on MSNBC television, McGuirk described the match between the Rutgers women’s basketball team and the Tennessee women’s team as the “Jigaboos versus the Wannabees”. In his defense, Imus has said that it was an “idiot comment meant to be amusing,” and has apologized. No apology has been published by McGuirk. A recent op-ed by Bob Herbert of the New York Times indicates that McGuirk, in the words of Imus himself dating back to 1998, was "there to do nigger jokes."

Many of us don’t need to wonder where Imus got the idea that he could throw around the word ‘ho in reference to African American women without consequence. One need only listen to the lyrics of numerous gangsta rap songs performed by mostly African American singers in which the use of the word ‘ho has reached epic if not epidemic proportions. In such songs, words such as ‘ho and its close kin bitch are chanted with impunity. But, what Imus and a lot of other people have apparently failed to see is...that’s not most people’s real life. Despite what those media portrayals suggest, that’s not necessarily anybody’s real life. All too often, what we have in gangsta rap is not art imitating life but art imagining life. As I’ve written in other work, one of the most pointed critiques of the gangsta rap genre is that it not only glorifies actual profanity and violence but also imagined profanity and violence. Life in ghettos and poor neighborhoods is often shown as excessively profane in order to gain market share and “street cred.” In point of fact, many of those involved in songwriting, production and sometimes even the performance of gangta rap are themselves well-educated products of middle and working class homes, where, I assure you, nobody is openly calling anybody a ‘ho. Even where ‘ho is used in gangsta rap, it is usually meant to be offensive and hence intentionally transgressive as a means of expressing rebellion. It has even been inverted and portrayed as a term of endearment, but in such instances its use still engenders a frisson of the forbidden. One thing it is not meant to be is funny.

Should sorry be enough in this instance? Judging from the response to Imus's utterance, the answer is no. Despite Imus’s apology, on April 10, 2007 Imus’s show was suspended for two weeks by his broadcasters CBS Radio and MSNBC cable television, in response no doubt to the pressure brought to bear by sponsors and by a public mortified by a vicious verbal assault on college women athletes for the sake of amusement. After the suspension there remained a maelstrom of controversy surrounding the matter and nationwide calls for his firing and for a boycott of his sponsors. This was, after all, not the first time that Imus has made offensive sexist or racist remarks. One of the best known is a 1993 incident in which he called then New York Times White House correspondent Gwen Ifill, an African American woman (now with PBS) , a “cleaning lady.” In another instance his show offered a parodic song that referred to former First Lady and now Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s urinary habits and menstrual cycle. Read about it in a blog piece by Andrew Ross of the San Francisco Chronicle . No, Imus was no stranger to serving up the lowest forms of sexist and racist insult.

The chickens finally came home to roost when on April 11 NBC News canceled the televised simulcast of the Imus radio show aired on MSNBC cable news and on April 12 when CBS News canceled the "Imus in the Morning" radio program. So, it looks like, at the moment, Imus's career on traditional terrestrial radio is over. There is always satellite, though. Just ask Howard Stern.

The bigger issue, the one well beyond Imus’s outrageous remarks about the Rutgers women’s basketball team, is why he and others like him have been allowed a broadcast reign of terror which routinely debased women, racial and religious minorities and gays and lesbians. As Andrew Ross suggested in his blog, citing the Manhattan Institute’s John Leo in an April 13 Wall Street Journal op-ed, many powerful persons in politics and the media “enabled” Imus by willingly appearing on his show despite and perhaps even because of its often profane nature, giving it an imprimatur of respectability. (On another note, I was none too amused by Leo’s use of a brothel metaphor to explain what was wrong with Imus’s show. Will some of these men never get it?!) But it's not just the high and mighty who promote the likes of Don Imus. While many of us may be loathe to admit it, what he routinely expressed in his broadcasts well represented the lowest common denominator of thought in many segments of the United States population. In a world where political correctness, tolerance and inclusion increasingly require reining in offensive remarks in public, Imus's show represented a last bastion of the clubby, old boy (and good old boy) atmosphere that prevailed in most of the places that mattered in the United States for much of its history. Until we acknowledge this, the level of discourse promoted on the Imus show will continue to flourish in other fora, nourished by a sadly corrupted notion of what freedom of expression means.


Christina said...

For me, this whole Don Imus thing played itself out in small-scale at a friend's house last week.

A person in my presence used a racist term in front of my African American son (who thank God is not old enough to understand what was said...yet...I rue the day that comes). I let it slide so as not to bring attention to it in front of my son.

After my son had gone to bed, that person used the same word again and then another slang and racist South African word within the same breath, which is when he was told in no uncertain terms that his words were hurtful, derogatory and that his line of conversation needed to end, now.

He immediately realized the pain it had caused me and my husband who was also in the room. I could tell from his red face and fidgeting hands that he was truly sorry. And he said so. And he said it again. Several times. The next day. Again and again.

At some point, you have to believe that a person is sorry. And in my estimation, there needs to be forgiveness. How are we ever, as a human race, going to get past all the iniquity and injustice if we are unwilling to forgive?

Unknown said...

An interesting accompaniment to this story might be the Duke lacrosse players incident which is in the news again the last couple of days. Three white males accused by a black stripper of drugging and raping her; rush to prosecution; and now, ultimately, after reputations and lives are ruined, an admission that the allegations were not true.

I suppose this is somewhat in the vein of christina's post above - considering the value of an apology. I haven't heard anyone (other than the DA) apologize to the Duke boys, despite the fact that they were vilified by everyone from the white media to Jesse Jackson as, essentially, racist degenerates.

It doesn't make him any less of an idiot, but yes, at least Imus is showing what appears to be some genuine remorse, although the fact that his job is in jeopardy/gone certainly has something to do with it. It will be interesting to see if someone like Jackson, who certainly sees himself as a mouthpiece for the black community, can come through with any kind of admission of being wrong in what he said.

As for Manjit's comment - right on point. I was half-watching the Tyra Banks Show today (...what, like I'm going to study civil procedure?) and a similar point came up there, about how white males buy 80% of the hip hop album sales, turning the (mostly) black-on-black hate and degradation of the industry into what is essentially a new minstrel show. Manjit, you're right, this is the bigger story - and proof that $ speaks louder than words, where sexism and racism are concerned.

Svaha said...

American Colors: The Spin on Skin
The United States is uniquely ignorant in its obsession with race. All societies have institutionalised prejudice in one form or another; older societies have gone through many cycles of creating and dismantling hierarchies as various coalitions wrestled with the economic and social spoils available.
The idea here is to consider the American case as an anthropological absurdity rather than a comparative assessment of its moral status vis-a-vis related prejudice.
The first thing that struck me as absurd about American popular and institutional notions on race is its conscious connectivity with skin color. In reading through anthropological texts, the orthodoxy suggests that genetic differentiation intra-species was superficial (in terms of nose bridge structure/hair texture/skin color) and that the quasi-science of race nevertheless was defined in some non-superficial matrix : Austric, Caucasian, Mongoloid, etc., based on climatic and other adaptive contexts.
In the US, the census and many employment documents show a pervasive sense of politically/socially defined race categories exclusively and ignorantly based on skin color! So racial categories are white/black/yellow, etc. The sense of self/other is eurocentrically derived...so, the polite phraseology for blacks is african-american, whereas for whites, it is not european-american. So people from the Indian subcontinent who may be Caucasian or Mongoloid are called Asians (race category!). Thankfully I have not seen a category of "brown/yellow" in census documents; perhaps a young society cannot think in a less simplistic dimension than black/white in formulating prejudice hierarchies.
There is a definition of freedom and equality that seems inconsistent with the above, but is savagely upheld as being true despite the commonality of superficial race discourse across American society. A typical American is quite content to comment negatively on European or Asian (old society) class and caste hierarchies as laughably sophisticated prejudice in opposition to his/her own sense of freedom/equality in American society. The next moment, that same naive citizen will speak in the most ignorant manner about race categories in terms of skin color. This is ingrained at all levels in language, media, government, and in personal lives. A society founded on the massacre of native populations, and the systematic enslavement of other human beings must naturally be racist, but what is amazing about American racism is its focus on skin color as a defining characteristic of race, in defiance of all scientific and anthropological evidence.

Unknown said...

What is most striking to me about the Imus affair -- and Manjit hinted at this -- is the emphasis on Imus' character in the aftermath of his comments, as a defense for his actions. Like Danny, I was looking for reasons not to study civil procedure, (and still am) and so was watching CNN (which for the record is about twice as bad as Tyra Banks), and came across an interview between Wolf Blitzer and Al Sharpton. Sharpton was emphatic in saying that he didnt care about Imus' personality, but was instead chiefly concerned with the fact that comments were made on national radio that were overtly racist and degrading. Blitzer however, kept on prodding Sharpton about whether considerations like John McCains endorsement of Imus as a good guy, and Imus' history of community involvement militated towards giving him a second chance.

The upshot seems to be that racism and racists remarks, while bad, are more excusable if the perpetrator of such remarks has strong personality credentials. In my opinion this misses the point. It places the focus squarely on the perpetrator and not the victim. The degrading effect of Imus' remarks on the Standford womens b-ball team is even more pronounced if Imus is cast as a good guy who said a bad thing, as opposed to a marginal character who's opinion carries little or no currency in society.

Therefore, although I generally agree with the above comments about gangster rap (not to be confused with rap music as a whole), I do think the Imus affair warrants significant media attention.


Unknown said...

Below is a quote from columnist Stanley Crouch who was on the Oprah show yesterday (I too like to procrastinate). I’m not sure if I totally agree with him – but there seems to be some truth to what he was saying. It was interesting to watch the show, especially after the last couple of classes we had on intersectionality to see the effect social and economic class specifically has on my perceptions of people… I think am inclined to agree with Crouch at least on his views of the double standard he outlines below – what about all of you?

“There’s an extraordinary double standard here because most of the people who were in the Ku Klux Klan were what they call ‘poor white trash,’ who were at the bottom of society. Nobody ever makes an excuse for them blowing up little girls, for the being racist. When you get these clowns (he’s referring to rappers) in your guys’ arena, then suddenly, oh, these are just marionettes. They can’t make any decisions, so the corporation decides society, slavery. All of these things lead up to these people consistently calling people niggers, bitches and hos as though they’re helpless guys who can’t do anything. And I’m not buying it.”

Unknown said...

Below is a quote from columnist Stanley Crouch who was on the Oprah show yesterday (I too like to procrastinate). I’m not sure if I totally agree with him – but there seems to be some truth to what he was saying. It was interesting to watch the show, especially after the last couple of classes we had on intersectionality to see the effect social and economic class specifically has on my perceptions of people… I think am inclined to agree with Crouch at least on his views of the double standard he outlines below – what about all of you?

“There’s an extraordinary double standard here because most of the people who were in the Ku Klux Klan were what they call ‘poor white trash,’ who were at the bottom of society. Nobody ever makes an excuse for them blowing up little girls, for the being racist. When you get these clowns (he’s referring to rappers) in your guys’ arena, then suddenly, oh, these are just marionettes. They can’t make any decisions, so the corporation decides society, slavery. All of these things lead up to these people consistently calling people niggers, bitches and hos as though they’re helpless guys who can’t do anything. And I’m not buying it.”

Unknown said...

Below is a quote from columnist Stanley Crouch who was on the Oprah show yesterday (I too like to procrastinate). I’m not sure if I totally agree with him – but there seems to be some truth to what he was saying. It was interesting to watch the show, especially after the last couple of classes we had on intersectionality to see the effect social and economic class specifically has on my perceptions of people… I think am inclined to agree with Crouch at least on his views of the double standard he outlines below – what about all of you?

“There’s an extraordinary double standard here because most of the people who were in the Ku Klux Klan were what they call ‘poor white trash,’ who were at the bottom of society. Nobody ever makes an excuse for them blowing up little girls, for the being racist. When you get these clowns (he’s referring to rappers) in your guys’ arena, then suddenly, oh, these are just marionettes. They can’t make any decisions, so the corporation decides society, slavery. All of these things lead up to these people consistently calling people niggers, bitches and hos as though they’re helpless guys who can’t do anything. And I’m not buying it.”